We support

We support a number of organizations and initiatives focusing on children.

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It is important that we look out for each other in traffic. GLS supports Børneulykkesfonden's Kids Tour, where children ride through 15 Danish cities during spring and summer. All profits will go directly to the Børneulykkesfonden, which works to improve road safety and reduce the number of accidents among children.

Meet us in your city - and learn more about traffic safety with GLS.

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We were the proud main sponsor of the Children's Cancer Run 2024, which raised money for the Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation and the children fighting a difficult battle against cancer.

On August 31, 2024, several hundred participants ran laps of 1 km in Fællesparken, and GLS donated DKK 10 for every km.

Red barnet logo GLS sponsor

We are Danske Hospitalsklovne's main partner in this year's Klovneløb, where even the smallest steps can make a huge difference. The more than 100 local Klovneløb raise money to give children and families in Danish hospitals a cheerful break during their hospitalization.

We are proud to partner with Danske Hospitalsklovne, which is based on strong shared values of care and compassion.

Red barnet logo GLS sponsor

At the Christmas gift shop in 2023, our employees could choose to donate their Christmas gift to the Red Cross Christmas Aid. The donation totalled DKK 50,000, and we are very proud of this contribution at a time when a record number of Danes applied for Christmas help.

Child cancer association

For the past three years, we have been part of #Gribbolden. The project supports children with cancer and their families by sending a 3F Superliga football to everyone who supports the Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation with at least DKK 250.

Red barnet logo GLS sponsor

The Red Cross is the world's largest aid organization. They save lives and create development. From emergency aid to visiting friends. From human to human.

The campaign was a collaboration between the Red Cross, Intersport and GLS Denmark, where you could hand in your child's old flight suit to Intersport until 31 October 2022 and get DKK 100 for a new one.

Red barnet logo GLS sponsor

Save The Children works to ensure the rights of all children and provides long-term assistance to vulnerable children in Denmark and the rest of the world. Each year, GLS supports Save the Children and their great efforts.