Red Cross


In collaboration with Red Cross and Intersport, you can hand in your childs used snowsuit in Intersport and get 100 kr in discount to buy a new one. The campaign ends on the 31st of October.

We will ship the snowsuits to Red Cross, who either sells them at their stores, or turns them into textiles for making new clothes.

GLS and red cross

GLS Denmark is supporting a number of organisations and initiatives all focusing on children. Because what matters to you, matters to us.

That is why, we are thrilled about supporting Red Cross and their collaboration with Intersport, being a part of making a difference for Danish families and children in need of support.

What happens to the old snowsuit?

All snowsuits are delivered to Red Cross. They sort the snowsuits, and reuse everything; Either as a used snowsuit or they turn it into textile fibres. The snowsuits that are not resuable, will be sold by Red Cross as textile fibres and turned into new clothes.

The profit goes to emergency aid and social work in Denmark and the rest of the world. Clothes that can't be recycled, will be sold as raw material for textile fibres, that are then turned into new clothes.