Whistleblower/Ombudsman system

The GLS Group has set up a whistleblower/ombudsman system to give GLS employees, business partners and third parties the opportunity to confidentially raise their concerns regarding suspected criminal offenses or similarly serious compliance violations.

Reports of the above-mentioned violations are subject to strict confidentiality in order to offer whistleblowers and the persons named in the report the greatest possible protection. Whistleblowers are also legally protected from sanctions.

In Austria, all GLS employees, business partners, and third parties can contact the following addresses in such cases:

1. EQS Integrity Line – Online platform

GLS Integrityline

This platform allows you to have direct contact with the compliance department, which treats reports received on this platform with the utmost confidentiality.

2. Ombudsman – Lawyer Dr. Rainer Buchert

Herr Dr. Rainer Buchert
Kaiserstraße 22
D-60311 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 69 710 33 330 oder +49 6105-921355
Fax: +49 69 710 34 444
E-Mail: kanzlei@dr-buchert.de

The obligation for attorney-client confidentiality and the right to refuse to testify ensure that the identity of the whistleblower is not disclosed. Information the ombudsperson receive will only be forwarded to the company with express permission.

Dr. Buchert is not responsible for complaints that do not concern criminal offences or similarly serious offences. However, in cases of doubt, he advises whistleblowers on how to proceed.

In addition to these two options listed above, you can also contact the following authorities:

· Bundesamt zur Korruptionsprävention und Korruptionsbekämpfung

Herrengasse 7, 1010 Wien

· Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde

Radetzkystraße 2, 1. Stock, 1030 Wien